Jordan 2022

In the summer of 2022 our team from the University of Toronto returned to northwest Jordan to continue on ongoing archaeological research project that I’ve been a part of since 2012. Based out of the town of Deir Abu Said, we have been surveying the wadis (small river valleys) that incise through the Jordan Plateau down to the Jordan River Valley for early Neolithic (~10,500-8000 years ago) archaeological sites. For the last few field seasons we have been excavating at a location in Wadi Quseyba, where we have found a habitation site with a fascinating combination of mudbrick and stone architecture, with pits cut into the soft limestone bedrock (possibly for storage), and a few examples of beautiful stone tools and early pottery vessels.

Doing archaeological work in Jordan also provides wonderful opportunities to explore the region a bit, hang out with old and new friends, and of course enjoy the delicious food. During our downtime we would either relax in Deir Abu Said or make a run to Amman (the capital) for a burst of ‘big city life’ (Jordan style).

Bryn Letham