Peer-Reviewed Publications
Below you will find links to most of my publications through the publishers’ websites. If you cannot access these, contact me and I will send you a PDF of the document that you would like.
B. Letham. (2024). Perspectives on a Post-White Sands Coast: Re-Evaluating Research into Early Peopling of the Northwest Coast of North America. PaleoAmerica, DOI: 10.1080/20555563.2024.2318129.
Lepofsky, D., B. Letham, M. Ritchie, and C. Armstrong. (2024). Placemaking on the Northwest Coast of North America. In The Oxford Handbook of Island and Coastal Archaeology, edited by. S.M. Fitzpatrick and J. Erlandson. Oxford Academic Press, Oxford, UK.
Letham, B., D. Fedje, C.F.G. Hebda, A. Dyck, J. Stafford, I. Hutchinson, J. Southon, B. Fedje, and D. McLaren. (2024). Postglacial Relative Sea Level Histories of Northern Vancouver Island, Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews 326:108415.
McLaren, D., R. Wigen, D. Fedje, A. Dyck, C.F.G. Hebda, E. Morien, M.W. Pedersen, E. Willerslev, L.Y. Rutledge, M.A. Barrera, J. Stafford, D. Wall, and B. Letham. (2023). Late Pleistocene Faunal Assemblages from Karst Cave Settings on Northern Vancouver Island, Canada. PaleoAmerica DOI: 10.1080/20555563.2023.2272120.
Letham, B., D. Lepofsky, and S. Greening. (2023). Wil Luunda ‘Waada aks (Where the Waters Meet): Deep-time histories of shifting estuarine landscapes and human settlement in Laxgalts’ap watershed, northern British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI: 10.1080/15564894.2023.2202154.
Letham, B., I. Dundas, J. Earnshaw, B. Eshom, S. Fisher, G. Fisher, S. Greening, E. Letham, J. Reece, R. Robinson, I. Sellers. (2022). The Moore Islands Project: Deep-Time Indigenous History and Landscape Change on the Outer Northwest Coast of North America. Antiquity 96(386):1-8. DOI:
Letham, B., D. Lepofsky, and S. Greening. (2021). A post-glacial relative sea level curve for the central Douglas Channel area, British Columbia, Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews, 263, 106991.
Letham, B. (2020). Flagship Archaeologists in a Flagship Archaeological Region: Remembering George MacDonald and Ken Ames through the archaeology of the Prince Rupert Harbour, British Columbia, Canada. The Midden, 50(2):60-67.
Letham, B., A. Martindale, and K.M. Ames. (2020). Endowment, Investment, and the Transforming Coast: Long-Term Human-Environment Interactions and Territorial Proprietorship in the Prince Rupert Harbour, Canada. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 59, 101179.
M. Toffolo, M. Ritchie, I. Sellers, J. Morin, N. Lyons, M. Caldwell, R. Maria Albert, B. Letham, F. Berna. (2019). Combustion features from short-lived intermittent occupation at a 1300-year-old Coast Salish rock shelter, British Columbia: the microstratigraphic data. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 23, 646-661.
Letham, B., and G. Coupland. (2018). Ancient Mortuary Ritual and Cultural Resilience on the Northwest Coast of North America. In Hunter-Gatherer Adaptation and Resilience: a Bioarchaeological Perspective, edited by D.H. Temple and C.M. Stojanowski. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 227-252.
Letham, B., A. Martindale, N. Waber, and K.M. Ames. (2018). Archaeological Survey of Dynamic Coastal Landscapes and Paleoshorelines: Locating Early Holocene Sites in the Prince Rupert Harbour Area, British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Field Archaeology, 43(3), 181-199, DOI: 10.1080/00934690.2018.1441575.
Letham, B., A. Martindale, K. Supernant, T.J. Brown, J.S. Cybulski, and K.M. Ames. (2017). Assessing the scale and pace of large shell-bearing site occupation in the Prince Rupert Harbour Area, British Columbia. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, DOI: 10.1080/15564894.2017.1387621.
Letham, B., A. Martindale, R. Macdonald, E. Guiry, J. Jones, and K.M. Ames. (2016). Postglacial Relative Sea-Level History of the Prince Rupert Harbour area, British Columbia, Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews, 153, 156-191.
Bilton, D., and B. Letham (2016). The Sechelt Archaeology Project (2008-Present). The Midden, 46(1&2), 5-14.
Coupland, G., D. Bilton, T. Clark, J.S. Cybulski, G. Frederick, A. Holland, B. Letham, and G. Williams. (2016). A wealth of beads: evidence for material wealth-based inequality in the Salish Sea region, 4000-3500 cal. BP. American Antiquity, 81(2), 294-315.
Letham, B., A. Martindale, D. McLaren, T. Brown, K. M. Ames, D. J.W. Archer, and S. Marsden. (2015). Holocene Settlement History of the Dundas Islands Archipelago, Northern British Columbia. BC Studies, 187, 51-85.
Letham, B. (2014). Settlement and shell-bearing site diversity in the Sechelt inlet system, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Archaeology, 38, 280-328.
Martindale, A, and B. Letham. (2011). Causalities and models within the archaeological construction of political order on the Northwest Coast of North America. In The Archaeology of Politics: the Materiality of Political Practice and Action in the Past, edited by P.G. Johansen and A.M. Bauer. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press, pp. 323–353.
Martindale, A., B. Letham, D. McLaren, D. Archer, M. Burchell, and B. Schone. (2009), Subsurface Mapping of Shell Midden Components through Percussion Coring: Examples from the Dundas Islands. Journal of Archaeological Science, 36, 1565-1575.
Conference Presentations, etc.
Letham, Bryn, Spencer Greening, Justin Clifton, Donald Reece, Mark Wunsch, Jacob Earnshaw, and Dana Lepofsky. 2019 Deep-Time Histories of Landscape Change and Human Occupation at Laxgalts’ap (Old Town), A Gitga’at Cultural Keystone Place on the Northwest Coast of British Columbia. Poster Presented at the 42nd Annual Society for Ethnobiology Annual Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, May 8-11.
Letham, Bryn, Andrew Martindale, Kisha Supernant, and Kenneth M. Ames. 2017 A Tale of Two Villages: Exploring the Role of Villages with Massive Shell Accumulations as Anthropogenic Coastline Modifications in Prince Rupert Harbour. Paper Presented at the Society for American Archaeology 82nd Annual Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, March 29-April 2, 2017.
Letham, Bryn, Andrew Martindale, Kenneth Ames. 2016 An Archaeological Survey of Early-Mid Holocene Paleoshorelines around Prince Rupert Harbour, British Columbia. Paper presented at the Canadian Archaeological Association 49th Annual Meeting in Whitehorse, Yukon, May 4-7, 2016.
Letham, Bryn. 2015 A Refined Relative Sea Level Curve and Paleoshoreline Modelling for the Prince Rupert Harbour Region. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in San Francisco, April 15-29, 2015.
Letham, Bryn, Andrew Martindale, Kenneth Ames and Kisha Supernant. 2014 Kitandach (GbTo-34) Revisited: Using Percussion Coring to Explore a Large Shell-Bearing Site in the Prince Rupert Harbour, British Columbia, Canada. Poster Presented at the Society for American Archaeology 79th Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas, April 23-27, 2014.
Letham, Bryn and David Bilton. 2013 Settlement History and the Cultural Landscape of shíshálh Territory, Northern Salish Sea. Paper presented at the Society of American Archaeology 78th Annual Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii, April 3-7, 2013.
Bilton, David, and Bryn Letham. 2011 Beyond the River: A Look at the Intersections of Landscape and Culture in shíshálh Prehistory. Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting in Sacramento, California, April 2011.
Letham, Bryn. 2010 What Happened Here Before: Remembering and Imagining the Significance of Places on the Northern Northwest Coast of British Columbia. Paper presented at the Canadian Archaeological Association 43rd Annual Meeting in Calgary, Alberta, April 28-May 2, 2010.
Letham, Bryn. 2008a Shifting Landscapes, Shifting Habitations: Exploring the Developmental Sequence of a Shell Midden Using Percussion Coring". Paper presented at the Northwest Anthropology Conference in Victoria, British Columbia, April 2008.
Letham, Bryn. 2008b Using Percussion Coring to Explore the Developmental Sequence of a Northwest Coast Shell Midden. Poster presented at the Canadian Archaeological Association 41st Annual Meeting in Peterborough, Ontario, May 7-11, 2008.
Martindale, Andrew and Bryn Letham. 2008a Subsurface Mapping of Shell Midden Components through Percussion Coring: Examples from the Dundas Islands. Paper presented at the Society of American Archaeology 73rd Annual Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, March 26-28, 2008.
Martindale, Andrew and Bryn Letham. 2008b Regional Patterning and Cultural History on the Dundas Islands. Paper presented at the Society of American Archaeology 73rd Annual Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, March 26-28, 2008.